Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Fizyczne własności ferro-piezoelektrycznych ceramik rodziny perowskitu
The electric properties and specially influence of defects on electrical conductivity are presented for modified
PZT ceramics. The spectr of energie for oxides perovskite type A[2+]B[4+]O[3] is shown. The influence of ...
Zjawiska fotoelektryczne w monokryształach BaTiO[3] w obszarze niskotemperaturowych przejść fazowych
This work concerns ferroelectric phenomena in monocrystals BaTiO[3]. Influence of light illumination on electric
conductivity and on phase transition temperature was studied in particular. It was found that illumination ...
Zależność między szerokością pasma wzbronionego a temperaturą Curie w ferroelektrycznych roztworach stałych ze strukturą typu perowskitu
On the base of the spectral dependence of the photoconductivity the width of forbidden band E[g] was determined in ferroelectric solid solutions: x PbTiO[3] – (1-x)SrTiO[3] I, x PbTiO[3] – (1-x)PbZrO[3] II, AgNbO[3] – ...
Osobliwe punkty na fazowym diagramie T-x dla Pb (Zr[1-x]Ti[x]) O[3]
The temperature dependences of dielectrical permitivity and the electric conductivity for Pb(Zr[1-x]Ti[x])O[3] single crystals have been investigated. The additional evidence, for the existence of the tricritical points ...
Elektryczne i fotoelektryczne własności monokryształów $PbMg_{1/3}Nb_{2/3}O_3$ w niskich temperaturach
Electric and fotoelectric properties of monocrystals $PbMg_{1/3}Nb_{2/3}O_3$ in low temperatures are discussed.
It is found that in the region of low temperatures electric properties of $PbMg_{1/3}Nb_{2/3}O_3$ are to large ...
Własności elektryczne niestechiometrycznego $NaNbO_3$
Electric properties of the compound $Na_{1-x}NbO_{3-0.5x}$ for 0<x<0.1 were studied. Influence of $Na_2O$ deficit on
the sinter temperature on phase transition on dielectric and semiconducting properties of the ceramic ...
Wpływ domieszek na własności elektryczne $NaNbO_3$
Influence of the modifiers Ba, Ca, La and Ti on electric properties of $NaNbO_3$ was studied. Data concerning their
influence on electric conductivity, dielectric permeability and Curie point are presented. Dependance ...
Fotoferroelektryczne zjawiska w monokryształach $(Ba, Sr) Nb_2O_6$
Influence of illumination on phase transition temperature, on dielectric permittivity and on pyro currents in $Ba_xSr_{1-x}Nb_2O_6$ was studied. Dependence of photoelectretic charge density on temperature in the region of ...
Klasyfikacja stałych roztworów na bazie $NaNbO_3$
The criterion of division solid solutions, based on sodium niobate in to ferro-, and antiferroelectric materials is described.
The results of measurements are compiled in the table.