Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Metody obliczania przekroju czynnego na rozpraszanie niespolaryzowanych neutronów przez substancje paramagnetyczne
This article contains analysis and comparison of different methods of the cross section calculation for the
magnetic scattering of thermal neutrons by paramagnetic ion (Trammell method, Lovesey method, Stassis method, ...
Rola fizyki teoretycznej w kształceniu nauczycieli fizyki
Some thoughts concerning the role of theoretical physics in educating the teachers of physics are presented by the
authors of the paper. They evaluate the importance of theoretical physics in the university syllabi and ...
Poprawka relatywistyczna do przekroju czynnego na rozpraszanie neutronów przez jon paramagnetyczny
The relativistic correction is derived for the general formula of the cross section for magnetic scattering of
thermal neutrons by paramagnetic ion, obtained by Lovesey for nonrelativistic approximation.