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dc.contributor.authorCiesielska, Zofiapl_PL
dc.contributor.authorPułanik, Klarapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1973, Z. 50, Prace Zoologiczne 3, s. [15]-25pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe work is a comparative study of Diptera-Chloropidae fauna carried out in 1966 in three meadows in the area of Niepołomicki Forest near Szarów. The chosen meadows differed from each other in their floristic composition, the degree of dampness and methods of cultivation. Altogether 24 species of Chloropidae were collected. A well-known noxious insect Oscinella frit. dominates on all the meadows. It constitutes 80-90% of the total number of Chloropidae collected on the natural meadows and almost 97% of that collected on the cultivated meadow. Besides, some differences were noted as regards species and number of Chloropidae found on the cultivated meadow and on the natural ones. Rates of the differentiation of the biotopes for the natural meadow are almost twice those for the cultivated meadow. Beside Oscinella frit. the following species of noxious insects were found on the meadows under research: Oscinella frontellum, Oscinella maurum, Merymoza saltatrix, Chlorops pumilionis, Lasiosina approximatonervis and Elachipera corunta. At the time the research was carried out these species were sporadic and did not constitute an economic threat.en_EN
dc.titleNiezmiarkowate (Chloropidae, Diptera) na łąkach w okolicy Puszczy Niepołomickiejpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeChloropidae, Diptera on the meadows in the vicinity of Niepołomicki Foresten_EN

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