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dc.contributor.authorZakrzewski, Marianpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1973, Z. 50, Prace Zoologiczne 3, s. [79]-87pl_PL
dc.description.abstractResearch was carried out on the larvae of Salamandra salamandra L. taken from a mountain stream in the West Beskid. Only finally grown larvae and those at the stage of metamorphosis were taken into consideration. 178 larvae caught directly in the stream were examined. 25 larvae were examined in laboratory conditions, each kept in a separate acquarium. 16 out of the 25 were brought to the end of the metamorphosis. In natural conditions during metamorphosis (August) there is a regression in the body length of the larvae, generally within 2,0 - 6,5 mm, average 2,5 mm. In laboratory conditions during metamorphosis regression in the body length of the normally fed larvae ranges within 1-3 mm, average 1,7 mm, and of the starved ones within 1-2 mm, average 1,5 mm. During metamorphosis there is also a decrease in the body weight of the larvae which ranges from 70-310 mg, average 208 mg, for the normally fed larvae and from 260-560 mg, average 351 mg, for the starved ones. The period of metamorphosis lasts 14-18 days, average 15,7 days, and 10-13 days, average 11 days, for the normally fed and the starved larvae respectively.en_EN
dc.titleZmniejszanie się długości i ciężaru ciała larw salamandry plamistej (Salamandra salamandra L.) w okresie przeobrażeniapl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe decrease in body length and weight of the larvae of Salamandra salamandra L. during metamorphosisen_EN

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