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dc.contributor.authorMichalik, Andrzejpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1974, Z. 55, Prace Geograficzne 6, s. 147-[152]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe suggested new method of graphical presentation of drinking waters composition concerns the abbreviated analyses, the chemical composition of which cannot be presented by widely known methods. The existing methods are based upon analyses where all ions forming water mineralization are shown. For the examination of drinking water only the principal components, which determine a possibility of the water being used for consumption purposes, are analyzed. A basic principle of this method is to plot 100% of the permissible content of chemical components in question, according to the standards on the corresponding diagram axes. In the enclosed figures this method has been used to show the chemical composition of water on a modified Tickel’s diagram (fig. 1) where the permissible component contents form a circle, or on an altered Schoeller’s diagram, where they form the straight line (fig. 2). The amounts of chemical components expressed in mg/liter are plotted on the corresponding axes in per cents of their permissible contents specified by the standards. Thus, it is obvious which chemical component exceeds the amount specified by the standards.en_EN
dc.titleNowa metoda graficznego przedstawiania składu chemicznego wód pitnychpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeA new method of graphical presentation of drinking waters chemical compositionen_EN

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