Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.authorPiskorz, Sławomirpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1974, Z. 55, Prace Geograficzne 6, s. 193-[201]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractSocial demand for a geographical reading matter caused and is still causing the working out and the edition of geographical chrestomathies for school purposes. As yet, the selection of texts for geographical chrestomathies was done by intuition. At present, there exists a necessity to develop and to apply a scientific theory of geographical chrestomathy selections and of its construction. A wide research has been performed in this area and the conditions for texts selection for geographical chrestomathies have been established as follows: — The texts for reading must correspond to main principles of geography teaching programme and geography as a science; — The contents should concern a specific Globe region, playing part of „example studies", as well as have to enable the achievement of at least one of didactic and educational targets; — The language and style of the readers must be clear, varied and vivid; — The readers must not be too long (three pages maximum), as well as they should not double school handbooks of geography; — Dictionary explanations and exercises for pupils are desirable.en_EN
dc.titleDobór geograficznej lektury uzupełniającej dla uczniów szkoły podstawowejpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeSelection of supplementary geographical reading matter for primary-school pupilsen_EN

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord