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dc.contributor.authorBrzeźniak, Eligiuszpl_PL
dc.contributor.authorMalarz, Romanpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1980, Z. 71, Prace Geograficzne 8, s. 69-[82]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractBasing upon the stationary measurements carried out in the Sugnugurin-gol Valley during a physical — geographical expedition lasting from June 21 st to August 10 th, 1977, climatic conditions in the Valley within summer season are described. In the evaluation those factors were taken into account which determined the climatic contrasts resulting from local conditions, i.e.: exposition, vegetation cover type and as far as air temperature and relative humidity were concerned also the altitude above the sea level. Large differences of air temperature and relative humidity over the day were found in the Valley. Particular attention was paid to the spatial distribution of average daily and nightly air temperatures which are closely correlated to an average daily temperature. Relative humidity variations over the day are similar to the air temperature ones.en_EN
dc.titleWarunki klimatyczne doliny Sugnugurin-goł w okresie letnimpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeClimatic conditions in the Sugnugurin-gol Valley within summer seasonen_EN

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