Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.authorPękala, Kazimierzpl_PL
dc.contributor.authorZiętara, Tadeuszpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1980, Z. 71, Prace Geograficzne 8, s. 131-[152]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractContemporary sculpturing processes were examined in the Sugnugurin-gol Basin within the western slope of the Chentej Mountains. The geological subsoil are Paleozoic metamorphic rocks (shales and quartzites), as well as lower Paleozoic granites and granodiorites. In the crust forms of high ridges weathering crusts of block and rubble type are prevailing. At the slope bases, solifluction, prolluvium and colluvium crusts are deposited. The valley bottoms are covered with alluvium deposits forming terraces and alluvial cones. Higher terraces and lower slope sections in the Batsumber Valley are covered by dusty forms. In order to define the role of contemporary processes in the relief development, quantitative investigations were carried out. The 1:100000 survey map of contemporary processes has been prepared for the entire basin. The contemporary relief is shaped by process group (weathering and falling off, solifluction, frost segregation, nivation, gravitation corrosion, frost heave and icing, effects, hollow saltation, suffosion, washing and erosion), wherein a single or several processes dominate according to the morphodynamic zone. This results in a mosaic modelling system, even within each zone. Finally, morphodynamic zones were distinguished; steppe areas, forest- steppe, mountain taiga, mountain taiga with Pinus sibirica and high-mountain tundra zones.en_EN
dc.titlePiętrowość współczesnych procesów geomorfologicznych w dorzeczu Sugnugurin-gołpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeZonality of contemporary geomorphological processes in the Sugnugurin-gol Basinen_EN

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