Studia Geographica: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 161-180 z 280
Wacław Nałkowski jako prekursor konstruktywistycznego podejścia do edukacji geograficznej
(2011)Although the very term “constructivism” appeared rather recently, its concept was known in science long before now. According to modern cognitive psychology, the reality is created individually in person’s mind. An ... -
Geograficzny bieg dziejów
(2011)The expression „geographical course of history”, currently seen as old-fashioned or obsolete, seems to be typical in geographical works of Nałkowski. It combines two fields that were very close to him just from the very ... -
Nauka i ewolucja w myśli Wacława Nałkowskiego
(2011)Wacław Nałkowski is certainly an outstanding figure for Polish geography. In many publications he has also been classified as positivist, anti-metaphysician, evolutionist, anticleric and socialist. Perhaps these designations ... -
Studia geograficzne w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w XIX wieku
(2011)In time of Wacław Nałkowski’s studies in Kraków (1871–1876), the chair of geography at the Jagiellonian University did not exist. Despite this, in addition to mathematics, astronomy and physics, he attended lectures in ... -
Twórczość i kontekst ideologiczny w poglądach Wacława Nałkowskiego
(2011)Nałkowski lived in times of rapid transformation of civilization and during the period of ideological ferment, in a colonized country which at that time was Poland. Clearly disappointed with social and political reality, ... -
Badania nad osobowością Wacława Nałkowskiego
(2011)The article attempts to explain the scientific and social phenomenon that was constituted by the figure of Wacław Nałkowski. With comprehensive knowledge concerning his life, the author undertook the characterization of ... -
Rodzinny i społeczny kontekst twórczości Wacława Nałkowskiego
(2011)The author reveals previously unknown details of the Nałkowskis’ family life which affected the development of Wacław’s character and his interests. These details were also decisive as factors which influenced his ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 105. Studia Geographica 2. Koncepcje Wacława Nałkowskiego w świetle osiągnięć współczesnej nauki i filozofii
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
Maksymalne sumy dobowe opadów w Ojcowie (Dolina Prądnika)
(2010)The analysis of multiannual variability of maximum sums of daily precipitation was based on a 20 years-long observation series (1990–2009) from Ojców-Park Zamkowy observation point, situated in the Prądnik river valley, ... -
Przyrodnicze i antropogeniczne uwarunkowania rozwoju systemów wąwozowych w okolicy Rogowa (Wyżyna Lubelska)
(2010)The study describes the gully system in the Rogów area (Lublin Upland). Based on field research and available literature, four stages of gully erosion and three stages of alluvial sediment deposition were identified. The ... -
Rozwój śródpolnego wąwozu drogowego w świetle badań pedologicznych i pomiarów GPS
(2010)The article presents the development of a small, midfield form of road, which cuts the side of a loessic valley. The contemporary shape of the surface was determined by GPS measurements (Leica System 500), set together ... -
Etapy rozwoju osadnictwa zachodniej części Płaskowyżu Nałęczowskiego i ich zapis w osadach dna doliny Bystrej
(2010)The article analyzed the impact of old (prehistoric, medieval) and modern settlement on the nature of the Holocene alluvial sediments at the bottom of the Bystra valley. It was shown that the transition from peat to ... -
Założenia koncepcji Ekologicznego Śladu i przykłady obliczeń dla dużych miast
(2010)The article presents the concept of Ecological Footprint (EF), which is a quantitative indicator of human impact on the environment. The idea of EF has originated from the concept of carrying capacity. The Ecological ... -
Edukacja ekologiczna w szkole i społeczeństwie a rozwój regionalny
(2010)Raising and developing ecological awareness is a great challenge to modern societies in many countries. This article presents examples of ecological education at Polish schools. Ecological education at the beginning of ... -
Park miejski – zielone serce Sanoka
(2010)The Municipal Park is located in the centre of Sanok, on the slope of the Park Mount (height 364 m asl), which is an essential dominant in the town’s panorama. The park was established in 1909 on a “beautifully located, ... -
Ścieżka dydaktyczna jako forma poznania najbliższej przestrzeni geograficznej ucznia – na przykładzie ścieżki dydaktycznej w miejscowości Zalas
(2010)An important, but underestimated method of teaching geographic themes in elementary and junior high schools are strolls, organized on didactic routes appointed near schools. They enable merging the knowledge on multiple ... -
Struktura odpadów komunalnych w jednostkach organizacyjnych Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie
(2010)Wastes as a result of civilizational impact on the environment pose a major threat, not only to our lives, but also those of other living creatures. Therefore, current state’s policy sets some strict rules for administering ... -
Monitoring ruchu turystycznego w Pienińskim Parku Narodowym
(2010)The paper presents the results of tourist traffic monitoring carried out in the years 2007– 2009 by SKNG UP in the Pieniny National Park. The study included a survey of 25612 visitors and allowed estimating the intensity ...