Browsing Artykuły naukowe (WH) by Title
Now showing items 1572-1591 of 1849
W czasach porozbiorowych
(1983) -
W kierunku edukacji międzykulturowej. Propozycje dla kierunku politologia
(2007)The aim of this article is to present the idea of Multicultural Education concidered as a transformative movement in education, which produces critically thinking, socially active members of society, a movement which ... -
W kręgu literackich preferencji studentów: między Katarzyną Grocholą a Januszem L. Wiśniewskim
(2009)The aim of this article is to present in a close-up the literary preferences of the students of Polish Philology of the Pedagogical University of Krakow, and the motives of choosing the particular Polish authors. In the ... -
W kręgu podręcznika obudowanego dydaktycznie
(1990)The importance of the didactic cover of a manual of literature for the pupils of high schools is closely connected with the acceptance of a given didactic conception of a manual. This favours a change in the gravity ... -
W kręgu twórczości i poglądów na filozofię Stefana Rudniańskiego
(1975)The paper presents a discussion of the works of S. Rudniański, the main concern of the discussion being his concept of the subject and function of philosophy. More attention has been given to his analysis of the aims of ... -
W nurcie przeobrażeń i deformacji nauki historycznej w Polsce po 1945 roku
(2005)European changes in the education and school systems are a result of the development needs of the particular states and countries. In Poland, after the end of World War II, these domains of life constituted priorities ... -
W okresie staropolskim
(1983) -
W poszukiwaniu nowej utopii: idea rewolucji edukacyjnej Jacka Kuronia
(2015)The aim of the article is to reconstruct the project of common education revolution of Jacek Kuroń. The base for this concept is found in the conviction that in the modern times, dominated by globalisations issues, human ...