Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Towarzystwa przyjaźni międzynarodowej – przeszłość i teraźniejszość w III RP
The article describes the shifting role of the international friendship associations – from
the interwar times to the PPR, to the time of the Polish Third Republic. The main areas of
activity of the associations in terms ...
Kłopotliwe sąsiedztwo: strategia polskich elit politycznych wobec Ukrainy
The publication Troubling Neighbourhood: political strategy of Polish political elites on
Ukraine (Kłopotliwe sąsiedztwo: polityczna strategia polskich elit politycznych wobec Ukrainy)
brings closer problems and challenges ...
Polityka sporu. Poza polityką instytucjonalną?
The article is an attempt to present the growing importance of feud politics as an area beyond
institutional politics. The issue discussed in the article seems to be up to date, especially in the
context of modern day ...