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dc.contributor.authorStawiński, Wiesławpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1982, Z. 81, Prace Zoologiczne 4, s. 53-[71]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractIn the first, introductory chapter of the paper the author presents the time-framework as well as the aims of the training of the teachers of biology. He also presents a survey of the previous research in the domain of the organization of teaching, both theoretical and empiric. The problem of the efficiency of methodical training has been pointed out. The full solution of this problem depends upon the investigation of the course of educational process as well as the long-time observation of the professional efficiency of the graduates. Next the author presents a report of the results of his own inquire research of the views of 276 students of biology, both intramural and extramural ones, concerning the importance of the teaching of the didactics of biology in the process of their professional training. The research was carried on in 1976—1977. Special questionnaires have been elaborated. The responses of 140 intramural and 136 extramural students of both teachers’ colleges and universities have been examined. The responses of the students dealt with such subjects as the aims of the didactics of biology, the programme of the methodical training, the different types of lessons in this field, the students’ activity during the classes in question and the general evaluation of the efficiency of methodical training acquired during the course of the studies. The comparative analysis of the opinions of these two groups of students (the intramural and the extramural ones) resulted in the demonstrating of some similiarities as well as great differences in this respest. The extramural students’ opinions were highly determined by their professional experience, the actual conditions, needs and aims of their work. The results of this investigation may stimulate some further work on the programmes of the didactics of biology and the organization of didactic process in this field both in intramural and extramural studies.en_EN
dc.titleZnaczenie zajęć z dydaktyki biologii w procesie kształcenia zawodowego nauczycieli biologiipl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe importance of the teaching of the didactics of biology in the process of the professional training of the teachers of biologyen_EN

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