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dc.contributor.authorZamachowski, Władysławpl_PL
dc.contributor.authorRogowska, Helenapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1982, Z. 81, Prace Zoologiczne 4, s. 141-[152]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractIn this study of spermatozoa with the morphological standpoint collected during the breeding season from testes of green toad (Bufo viridis Laur.) and common toad (Bufo bufo L.) were examined. It was stated that the best results of spermatozoa staining were obtained using Delafield’s hematoxyline for 10 min. and 0.25 % solution of eosin for 2 min. It was also found that spermatozoa of common toad are significantly larger their length (balanced from 65 to 125 μm, whereas the length of spermatozoa of green toad balanced from 48 do 98 μm. The spermatozoa of both species of toads have extension heads with sharply tips and they are of bacilliform or fusiform. There is an undulation membrane on cilliums of spermatozoa which run and height are different in both species.en_EN
dc.titleMorfologia plemników ropuchy szarej Bufo bufo (L.) i ropuchy zielonej - Bufo viridis (Laur.)pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeMorphology of spermatozoa of the common toad — Bufo bufo (L.) and the green toad — Bufo viridis Laur.en_EN

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