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dc.contributor.authorHoryń, Ewapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 62, Studia Linguistica 4 (2008), s. [117]-135pl_PL
dc.description.abstractIn this paper 32 names of clothes were discussed. Research material was based on authority of judicial books of the following villages: Jadowniki, Maszkienice, Iwkowa and Uszew. The books are relics that represent regional Polish language used in the district of Brzesko in the 16th—19th, centuries. The names mentioned above belong to 8 groups containing words as follows: general names, names of outer garments, names of undergarments, names of outerwear and hats, names of accessories that complete a basic garment, names of trimmings, names of canonicals, names of cloth and fabrics. They are mostly names of woman's garments: chusta, fartuch, katanka, kitlik, koszulka, kształt, obręcz, odziemnica, podwika, rąbek, spódnica, sukienka, zapaśnica, more rarely — names of man's garments: czapka, opończa, spodnie, and names of unisex garments: burka, kożuch. In the judicial books a part of canonicals, ornat/a chasuble, exceptionally appeared. General names like szata/a garment and ubiór/clothes also appeared. In the group of analyzed lexical items especially interesting names are these ones referring to cloth and fabrics (both home and imported ones): bękart, breklest, mora, muchajer, płótno, płótno lniane, płótno zgrzebne, zamsz. A part of the discussed vocabulary from the sphere is used in contemporary Polish language with the same or changed meaning. The following names: bękart (as "a name of cloth"), breklest, burka, kitlik. kształt (with the meaning "woman's stays"), muchajer, odziemnica, podwika, zapaśnica went out of use. The gathered vocabulary transmit information referring to the cultural space and the tradition of the past period and of the region.en_EN
dc.titleNazwy ubrań w Księgach sądowych ziemi brzeskiej w XVI-XIX wiekupl_PL
dc.title.alternativeNames of clothes in Judicial Books of the District of Brzesko in the 16th-19th centuriesen_EN

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