Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.authorMajorek, Czesławpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1984, Z. 92, Prace z Historii Oświaty i Wychowania 1, s. 45-[68]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractAt the National Public Exhibition which was organized in Lwów in 1894 in connexion with the Jubilee (the 25th anniversary) ot the autonomy of Galicia a school exhibition was arranged a.o. It presented the achievement of all the domains of national education. The exhibits included materials of information, collections of manuals and other educational aids, methodical texts, charts, maps, and diagrams which illustrated both the progress and the set-backs in the fields of pre-school education and the care of children, elementary education and the training of teachers, secondary and university education as well as the instruction of adults. For the contemporary investigator of the educational problems of Galicia this exhibition may become an especially valuable source of help in respect to the knowledge and proper estimation of the most important phenomena of the pedagogics of the country. In particular it presents the struggle of the new pedagogics which was then coming into being and the traditional one. As is well known, this conflict appeared on the turn of the 19th century. It was a symptom of an evolution in educational ideology and practice — from extreme conservatism to liberalism. On the base of thorough investigation of source materials, for the most part published on account of the exhibition, the author endeavoured to present the entire achievement of Galicia in the domain of national education during the first 25 years of its autonomy. At the same time he did not ignore the drawbacks of the educational system in this country, the school exhibition having uncovered the defects and traditional neglect especially in the domains of papular education and the development of professional training.en_EN
dc.titleMiędzy tradycją i postępem : ekspozycja szkolna na Powszechnej Wystawie Krajowej we Lwowie w 1894 r.pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeBetween tradition and progress : school exhibition at the National Public Exhibition in Lwów in 1894en_EN

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