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dc.contributor.authorMarmon, Wacławpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1984, Z. 92, Prace z Historii Oświaty i Wychowania 1, s. 81-[93]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe problem of using maps in the teaching of history appeared in the Polish theory of historical studies almost together with this branch of learning and was closely connected with the development of history as a subject of study. At first the need to locate the historical facts which were being taught to the pupils was generally formulated. In this form the problem in question may be found in nearly all the proposals of the teaching of history which appeared during the activity of the Commitee of National Education. It was discussed by F. Bieliński, A. Popławski, G. Piramowicz, I. Potocki, К. Skrzetuski, and later on by H. Kołłątaj. A. comprehensive discusion of the role of maps in the teaching of history may be found in the instructions concerned with the teaching of geography at that time, the didactics of geography and that of history being then closely connected with each other. The next stage in the development of the theory of the teaching of history is connected with the name of. J. Lelewel who especially stressed the role of maps in historical studies. He has always mentioned „geographical charts" in the first place among educational aids. Having observed all the importance of these aids he worked out a great many new maps. The excellent quality of these, both didactic and factual, made them valuable up, to the end of the century. On the base of Lelewel's pioneer work many maps and atlases useful in the teaching of history have been worked out while his conceptions inspired a lot of new didactic ideas.en_EN
dc.titleProblem wykorzystywania map w polskiej teorii nauczania historii XVIII i pierwszej połowy XIX wiekupl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe problem of using maps in Polish theory of the didactics of history in the 18th and the erly part of the 19th centuryen_EN

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