Now showing items 161-180 of 206

    • Solutions to a certain problem illustrating the idea of fusionism in the probability theory 

      Major, Maciej (2003)
      The solutions presented above may serve as an illustration of "the principle of internal integration”, known as the idea of liisionisiii. Three balls are selected simultaneously from an urn containing b white balls and ...
    • Wallas - Polya - Hadamard and creativity 

      Kuřina, František (2003)
      Comparison of theories of G. Wallas and G. Polya with school practice Wallas: 1. Preparation (hard work on a problem). 2. Incubation (concious preparation is changed into unconscious mechanism of searching for the ...
    • Awaiting the series of colors - stochastic graph as a means of mathematical treatment and argumentation 

      Krech, Ireneusz (2003)
      This paper presents methods of calculating the probability of events related to Markov’s homogeneous chains theory. The main means of argumentation being the stochastic graph.
    • Computers and teaching mathematics 

      Kováčik, Štefan (2003)
      It looks as if the school shut eyes to progress. The computers help everywhere, but schools are short of them. The computers would be the most effective teaching aid. The school does not react to pupils’ knowledge reached ...
    • Fibonacci sequence II (helping students become active learners through guided mathematical investigations) 

      Kopka, Jan; Feissner, George (2003)
      Elementary number theory provides a variety of topics suitable for guided investigation in mathematics (the scheme of investigation is diagramed). We demonstrate this with the help of non-traditional and fascinating topic ...
    • Direction field of fingerprint image and its optimization with the help of relaxation procedures 

      Kolyada, Andrey; Revinski, Viktor; Tikhonenko, Michael (2003)
      Direction field building has an exclusive importance for common process of the classification analysis in up-to- date automatic fingerprint identification systems. All characteristics of this analysis strongly depend on ...
    • Pythagorean TRIPLES 

      Klenovčan, Pavel (2003)
      Students should learn mathematics with understanding, actively building new knowledge from experience and prior knowledge. We describe how one can describe all integer solutions of the equation $a^2+b^2 = c^2$ by utilizing ...
    • About practical exercises taken from real life 

      Jaśkiewicz, Weronika; Jaśkiewicz-Bauman, Anna (2003)
      Review of bibliography. Contemporary requirements in mathematical teaching. Classification of exercises occurring in mathematics school books. Analysis of selected primary and secondary school books considering the use ...
    • On children's understanding of area 

      Jagoda, Edyta (2003)
      Area and volume belong to the most important geometrical concepts due to their broad application outside mathematics. Certain problems connected with the understanding of “area” observed in 11 year old children will be ...
    • Two problems solved with MS-Excel 

      Hrach, Karel (2003)
      The first problem arising in the theory of graphs is to find the maximum flow in a network. This is equivalent to the problem of finding a minimum cut, according to Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, which is briefly explained. ...
    • The finite subsets of natural numbers 

      Hanzel, Pavol (2003)
      The article discusses relationships between triangle and square numbers. The stress is laid upon numerical equality. A finite set of these numbers and its subsets are given by software. Finding natural numbers with a ...
    • Remarks on continuous fractions 

      Gunčaga, Ján (2003)
      A lot of interesting examples from the history of mathematics axe seldom if at all used in school mathematics. Continuous fractions were used in the ancient Greece to calculate values of irrational numbers. In the present ...
    • Duality : random variables versus observables 

      Frič, Roman (2003)
      We discuss some aspects of the duality between random variables and observables - one of the basic questions of probability. Besides a historical background, we mention the role of elementary events and the algebraic ...
    • On new differential equations of the first order in the space $M(1,4) x R(u)$ with non-trivial symmetries 

      Fedorchuk, Vasyl M.; Fedorchuk, Volodimir I. (2003)
      Some new differential equations of the first order in the space $M(1,4) x R(u)$, which are invariant under splitting subgroups of the generalized Poincaré group $P(1,4)$ are presented.
    • Students' ideas about infinity 

      Eisenmann, Petr (2003)
      An analysis of students’ ideas associated with the terms finite and infinite is presented. It is based on research we carried out in the years 1998-2000 at thirty elementary and secondary comprehensive schools in the ...
    • POWER SET-problems with understanding the idea 

      Drygała, Danuta (2003)
      The article concerns some symbols introduced in the first year of mathematics studies and problems of understanding them by students. We will show it in the idea of power set. A sequence of didactic activities proposed ...
    • On a test concerning the notion of the set 

      Bryll, Grzegorz; Sochacki, Robert (2003)
      Many students have problems with solving exercises concerning sets which elements are also sets. Many wrong solutions are due to incorrect understanding of the term set. We suggest a test which is aimed at drawing ...
    • A method of comparison of Post-complete propositional logics 

      Bryll, Grzegorz; Sochacki, Robert (2003)
      In this paper we consider a necessary and sufficient condition for every propositional calculus to be Post-complete. We will show, how this condition may be used to compare consequence operations for these calculi.
    • Projects in teaching mathematics 

      Brincková, Jaroslava (2003)
      The aim of contemporary education is to build a partner relationship between teacher and pupil while picking up new subject matter. Project education gives enough possibilities for forming this relationship. A teacher ...
    • Learning system based on cellular automata 

      Borkowski, Paweł (2003)
      In this paper we present the CELLS2 system which is a learning system based on cellular automata. In the learning process CELLS2 used the Quine-McCluskey method which minimalizes boolean formulas.