Artykuły naukowe (WMFT): Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 756
On some flat connection associated with locally symmetric surface
(2014)For every two-dimensional manifold $M$ with locally symmetric linear connection $∇$, endowed also with $∇-parallel$ volume element, we construct a flat connection on some principal fibre bundle $P(M,G)$. Associated with ... -
Simple proofs of some generalizations of the Wilson’s theorem
(2014)In this paper a remarkable simple proof of the Gauss’s generalization of the Wilson’s theorem is given. The proof is based on properties of a subgroup generated by element of order 2 of a finite abelian group. Some conditions ... -
A note on some iterative roots
(2009)In this paper some orientation-preserving iterative roots of an orientation-preserving homeomorphism $F:S^1 ⟶ S^1$ which possess periodic points of order $n$ are considered. Namely, iterative roots with periodic points ... -
On a multivalued second order differential problem with Jensen multifunction
(2009)The aim of this paper is to present a generalization of the results published in [5] and [8] for continuous Jensen multifunctions. In particular, we study a second order differential problem for multifunctions with the ... -
On conjugacy of multivalent functions on the circle
(2000)We prove that every two expanding selfmappings of the circle which take each value in exactly n points are conjugate. The problem of the uniqueness of continuous conjugating functions is considered. Moreover, some ... -
Global version of a Sternberg linearization theorem
(2000)Let X{x) = DX(0)x + Z(x) be a smooth vector field in R[n], with X (0) = 0, such that 0 is a contracting singular point of the linear part. We aim to extend the local Sternberg theorem on the linearization of X near the ... -
Entire solutions of a functional equation
(2000)The aim of the present note is to show that all entire solutions f : C → C, of order less than 4, of the equation |f(s + it)f(s - it)| = |f(s)[2] - f(it)[2]|, s,t ϵ R are given by f(z) — az and f(z) = a sin bz, where a, ... -
The rotation number of the composition of homeomorphisms
(2000)In this paper it is shown that if F and G are commuting orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the unit circle, then α(F ◦ G) = α(F) + α(G) (mod 1), where α(F) denotes the rotation number of F. -
A functional inequality related to Böttcher’s equation
(2000)There is proved a theorem on the form of continuous solutions of the iterative functional inequality (1) in the case where the function f in (1) possesses an asymptotic property at the origin. The formula we present ... -
An alternative Cauchy equation almost everywhere
(2000)Let (S, +) be a commutative semigroup and let ζ be a proper left translation invariant σ-ideal in S. Suppose that f : S → R satisfies |f(x + y)| = |f(x) + f(y)| Ω(ζ)-almost everywhere in S x S. We prove that there exists, ... -
Concave itération semigroups of Jensen set-valued functions
(1999)Let S be a closed convex cone such that int S ≠ 0 in a real separable Banach space. A necessary and sufficient condition is given under which a family {F[t] : t ≥ 0} of set-valued functions F[t] : S -> cc(S) is a concave ... -
L’équation de translation et l’équation de Sincov généralisée
(1999)On donne une liaison entre l’équation de translation (1) et l’équation de Sincov généralisée (2), aussi dans le cas du type de Pexider ((20) et (23)). On formule aussi quelques problèmes ouverts. -
The first International Conference on Functional Equations in Poland : Zakopane 1967
(1999)The meeting in 1967 was organized by Professors Stanisław Gołąb and Marek Kuczma. It was held in Tatra mountains and was the first international conference on functional equations organized in Poland. For most of Polish ... -
Superadditive solutions of functional equation
(1998)Let {A[s] : s ≥ 0} be a given iteration semigroup of additive set-valued functions. In this paper we study superadditive set-valued solutions Ф of the functional equation Ф(t + s) = A[s] [Ф(t)] + Ф(s) for t, s ≥ 0. -
Sur un problème de Marley
(1998) -
The stability of the Wigner equation in complex Hilbert spaces
(1998)We prove the Hyers-Ulam type stability of the Wigner equation for complex Hilbert spaces. -
The characterization of the indicator plurality function
(1998)The characterization of the rational and real indicator plurality function in the sense of M. F. S. Roberts is obtained. The answer to M. F. S. Roberts’ question is presented.