Artykuły naukowe (WMFT): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 261-280 z 756
Z badań nad sylwetką absolwenta matematycznych studiów w Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie w latach 2001-2007
(2009)The main goal of our studies was eliciting the opinion of graduates and students of the last year of Master studies on the course for teachers of mathematics at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The research method ... -
O różnych sposobach definiowania wartości bezwzględnej liczby rzeczywistej
(2009)In this article we present some didactic ideas of introducing the absolute value of a real number by means of functional equations and an inequality. The basic properties of the absolute value of a real number are written ... -
Ułamki algebraiczne i funkcje wymierne
(2009)The subject-matter of this article can be divided into three main parts. The first one includes the theoretical problems concerning the fields of algebraic fractions and rational functions. In the second part we deal with ... -
On a class of linear differential operators of first order with singular point
(1997)The aim of this paper is to give a background to study spectral properties of some operators occurring in differentiall geometry. We deal with the problem of existence and uniqueness of local solutions of partial ... -
The stability of a generalized quadratic functional equation
(1997)In the paper we consider the stability of the functional equation f ( x + y) + f ( x - y) + ||f ( x + y) - f (x - y)||u = 2f(x) + 2f(y), where f : G —> X, X is a normed space, u ϵ X such that ||u|| ≥ 1 and ||u|| ≠ 3 is ... -
Quasi-linear mappings
(1997)Let E[1], E[2] be real normed spaces and let ε ϵ [0,1). The paper deals with the system of inequalities || f(x + y) - f(x) - f(y)|| ≤ ε min{||f(x + y)||,||f(x) + f(y)||} for x , y ϵ E[1], II f(αx) - αf(x)|| ≤ ε min ... -
Generalized convex sets
(1997)In this paper we shall present a definition of convex set with respect to a two-parameter family of functions. It appears that these sets have some properties like convex sets in the usual sense. -
On the convergence of singular integrals of vector-valued functions
(1997)The pointwise convergence of abstract singular convolution integrals K(•,v) * f (x - •) depending on two parameters x,v (x ϵ R, v belongs to a metric space E) is studied. The convergence of the parameters is restricted to ... -
Remarks on real-valued quasi-isometries
(1997)In this paper we consider the class of solutions of the functional inequality | |f(x) - f( y)| - |x – y| | ≤ ε ϵ min{|f(x) - f(y)|,|x - y|}, x, y ϵ R where f : IR -> IR is the unknown function and ε ϵ [0,1). The two ... -
On bounded solutions of a generalized Schilling's problem
(1997)In this note we prove that, under some assumptions on a, b, c, h, g and Q, the zero function is the only solution φ : R → R of the functional equation φ(g(x)) = a(x)φ(h(x)) + b(x)φ(h[-1](x)) + c(x)φ(x), bounded in a ... -
Singular solutions of some nonlinear singular partial differential equations
(1997)In this paper a family of formal solutions of the Laplace-Beltrami equation is constructed and the convergence of these formal series is proved by finding the majorant convergent series. -
Badanie zależności między właściwym przewodnictwem elektrycznym opadu a temperaturą opadu
(1996)The quality of rainfall is determined by many parameters. Generally, these parameters can be divided into four groups. To the first group we can include parameters associated to antropogenic activity. The parameters of ... -
Analiza jonowa pojedynczego opadu
(1996)The ion composition of subsequent millimeters of atmospheric precipitation of September 15, 1995 in a single locality at Podchorążych Street (Table 1) was determined. During 650 minutes 36 mm of atmospheric precipitation ...