Studia Politologica: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 181-200 z 209
Polityka zagraniczna Polski po roku 1989 (wybrane zagadnienia)
(2004)Social and political changes initiated by „Solidarity” in 1980 resulted in Poland’s regaining sovereign power and total independence of its foreign policy ten years later. The fall of Communism in Central and Eastern ... -
Prezydent w tradycji polskiego i francuskiego systemu ustrojowego
(2004)This paper compares the constitutional position of the Presidents of Poland and France. The analysis relates to the March Constitution from 1921 and April Constitution from 1935 in the pre-World War II period in Poland. ... -
Wybory parlamentarne na Węgrzech - prawo wyborcze, partie polityczne i wyniki wyborów w latach 1990-2002
(2004)This paper is about the electoral system, political party system and the results of parliamentary elections in the Republic of Hungary. Electoral law is a combination of majority and plurality vote balanced by the so ... -
Ordynacje wyborcze w procesach demokratyzacji
(2004)In the article author discusses the problem of the effects of electoral law and the way it is used to reach particular political aims in the process of democratization. In the beginning there are several theoretical ... -
Projekt, plan oraz utopia jako trzy aspekty ludzkiej egzystencji
(2004)Project, plan and utopia are three main ways in which the future and the presence are conneted with each other. Project is the most basic. Deeply rooted in the thought, project gives rise to the purposefulness and hierarchy ... -
Kultura codzienna w socjalizmie; współczesne dziedzictwo i jego skutki dla procesów transformacji ustrojowej (propozycja badawcza)
(2004)The theme of the daily life inside the People's Republic of Poland was almost never the subject for consideration by the scientific community during those times. At the same time however, many autobiographies, diaries, ... -
Poglądy opozycji politycznej w Polsce w latach osiemdziesiątych XX wieku dotyczące tworzenia partii politycznych
(2004)The article presents views and opinions of the political opposition in Poland relating to the necessity and rationality of forming political parties, from the proclamation of martial law untill the negotiations at the ... -
Koncepcje utworzenia partii katolickiej w Polsce Ludowej
(2004)The paper discusses attempts to create a catholic party in the Polish People’s Republic. The question of organised participation of Catholics in the political life of the country had been raised many times by catholic ... -
Projekty kształtu terytorialnego powojennej Polski w dokumentach programowych i prasie obozu demokratycznego (1939-1945)
(2004)Proposals of territorial shape in the postwar Poland was one of the main questions discussed during the Nazi occupation period by two main options of the Democratic Party (Stronnictwo Demokratyczne) - Democratic Party ... -
Bolesław Limanowski - twórca i badacz idei społecznych
(2004)Bolesław Limanowski (1835-1935) joined together, in his activity, the intellectual and recognizable problems with the ideological and creative ones. He combined closely his research duty with social practice and he gave ... -
Współczesna europejska ultraprawica - echo przeszłości czy obawa przed teraźniejszością?
(2002)The article deals with the contemporary political parties of the radical Right in western Europe. The author, reacting to frequently done identification of those parties with the nazi movement, emphasizes the differences ... -
Główne problemy liberalizacji przepływów kapitałowych w formie bezpośrednich inwestycji między Polską a Unią Europejską
(2002)The Treaty of Poland’s Association with the European Community signed on December 1991 initiated the liberalisation process of the capital flow between Poland and the countries of the European Union. A number of existing ... -
Instytucja Prezydenta RP w świetle prac Komisji Konstytucyjnej Zgromadzenia Narodowego (1994-1997)
(2002)In January 1995 Subcommittee for Editing, General Issues and Regulations for the Introduction of the Constitution worked out a uniform draft of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in a variant form, which underwent ... -
Ekonomiczne determinanty rozwoju demokracji politycznej w Polsce
(2002)The article is an attempt at exposing links between two areas of human life: politics and economy: and it tries to deal with the problem of the degree of mutual dependency of democracy and economy and the level of their ... -
Konwersatorium "Doświadczenie i Przyszłość" wobec zagadnień samorządności terytorialnej
(2002)The political forum called Seminar ‘Experience and Future’, appointed in 1978, presented opinions of a considerable part of Polish intelligentsia during four years of its existence. In the published reports, a review ... -
Środowisko tygodnika "Ład" wobec wydarzeń lat osiemdziesiątych w Polsce
(2002)The circles oflay Catholics grouped around the weekly ‘Ład’ referred, in a very general sense, to the traditions of the movement ’Znak’, Representatives of this environment criticised the basic assumptions of the so-called ...