Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Zagadnienia psychiki i świadomości w poglądach Edwarda Abramowskiego
Philosophy of psyche and consciousness state a basic problem in Abramowski’s position. Especially, this
philosophy is connected with the theory of psychic individuals, which determined theoretical and methodological ...
Spirytualizm i mesjanizm Wincentego Lutosławskiego
Lutosławski's settlement of the chronology of Platon’s writings has made him a well known philosopher. However,
hegave it the secondary meaning. The correct chronology was supposed to fix this final Platon’s opinion, ...
Metoda porządku fizyczno-moralnego Hugona Kołłątaja
The work deals with the idea of physical and moral order by Hugo Kollataj, which was applied to his ethical
considerations (moral philosophy). The conception assumes existence of a certain universal order and common rules ...
Z modernistycznej filozofii człowieka
The article shows certain elements of the philosophy of man in Polish modernism at the turn of the 20th century. It
is noticed that there are clear analogies between the assumptions of Polish modernism and existential ...