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dc.contributor.authorKulawik, Adampl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 11, Studia Historicolitteraria 1 (2002), s. [121]-129pl_PL
dc.description.abstractAn attempt to describe the structure of the work made by the author of an interpretative study of Huelle’s novel leads to the answer to a bothering question of who Weiser Dawidek is. First person narrative limits the narrator’s knowledge about the presented world in its own specific way, however the plot is constructed in such a way by the narrator that the reader is better acquainted with it than the narrator. The game with the reader is on the one hand based on suggestions and undertones, and on the other, on the suspicions that both the protagonist and the narrator and other characters are deprived of principium individuationis. Dawidek undergoes constant metamorphoses so it becomes vaque to which degree he is still himself and to which he becomes other characters. You can even read a suggestion that he is the narrator and all other characters that form a group of friends in the story. Thus in the reader’s perception, all these individualised characters may become one. On the basis of such a conclusion the author of the study formulates two hypotheses, namely an ontological one that we are accidental beings and every one among us could be somebody else; and epistemological one that as accidental beings we are hardly distinguishable from one another, and that is why we are unrecognisable, which is also influenced by the fact that we are subject to time that means transience.en_EN
dc.titleJak zrobiony jest Weiser Dawidek Pawła Huellego i co z tego wynikapl_PL
dc.title.alternativeHow Weiser Dawidek by Paweł Huelle is made and what comes out of iten_EN

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