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dc.contributor.authorFogelzang-Adler, Ewapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 22, Studia Politologica 2 (2004), s. [15]-29pl_PL
dc.description.abstractProposals of territorial shape in the postwar Poland was one of the main questions discussed during the Nazi occupation period by two main options of the Democratic Party (Stronnictwo Demokratyczne) - Democratic Party “Rectangle” (SD “Prostokąt”) and Polish Democracy Party (Stronnictwo Polskiej Demokracji) and associated groups: Polish Popular Independence Action (Polska Ludowa Akcja Niepodległościowa), Polish Republic Reconstruction Union (Związek Odbudowy Rzeczypospolitej), Youth Democracy Movement (Ruch Młodej Demokracji), Social Organization of Self-defense (Społeczna Organizacja Samoobrony), Democratic, Socialist and Syndycalist Parties’ Centralization (Centralizacja Stronnictw Demokratycznych, Socjalistycznych i Syndykalistycznych), Democratic Union (Zjednoczenie Demokratyczne). The most frequent postulates were: to re-establish the pre-war Poland’s eastern border and to reconstruct the country within new western and northern borders. Besides, an idea of Middleeuropean federation was propagated; it was assumed that such a federation would had been a good guarantee against possible Soviet and German military danger and a reinforcement factor of the economic development. The federal conceptions did not preclude territorial claims/aspirations; for a long time it was symptomatic that their authors would not allow to revise prewar Poland’s borders and to accept offers for compensation in the West Lands.en_EN
dc.titleProjekty kształtu terytorialnego powojennej Polski w dokumentach programowych i prasie obozu demokratycznego (1939-1945)pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeProposals of territorial shape in the postwar Poland in programmatic documents and the press of Democratic Party (Stronnictwo Demokratyczne) and associated groups (1939-1945)en_EN

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