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dc.contributor.authorTasak, Agatapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 22, Studia Politologica 2 (2004), s. [31]-44pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe paper discusses attempts to create a catholic party in the Polish People’s Republic. The question of organised participation of Catholics in the political life of the country had been raised many times by catholic activists, also from the Labour Party (Stronnictwo Pracy) and the PAX Association, already in the early postwar years. It was, however, as late as in the eighties that the idea found wider support among lay Catholics clustered around the ”Lad” weekly. They called for founding of catholic party which would play the role of a Catholic Church representative in the world of politics and also of a mediator between the political authorities and the nation. It had to function as a specific „independent centre” between the authorities and the opposition. The party was intended as a defender of Catholics and a voice of their views in the public sphere, ’’acting independently but in contact with the Episcopate”. Representatives of these circles have often stressed that the suggested party would make a power toning down political conflict, guarantee social dialogue, as well as smooth and support the processes of political and social reforms introduced at that time. These concepts could be put into practice only as a result of the political transformations occurring since 1989.en_EN
dc.titleKoncepcje utworzenia partii katolickiej w Polsce Ludowejpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeConcepts of creating a Catholic party in the Polish People's Republicen_EN

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