Stosunki uczuciowe w rodzinach dzieci astmatycznych
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Perzanowska, Alina
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1988, Z. 120, Prace Psychologiczne 2, s. 245-259
Język: pl
Data: 1988
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The paper presents results of empirical investigations concerning the problem of family relationships' specificity in the case of the children with bronchial asthma. 35 children with bronchial asthma, hospitalized in the Institute of Nother and Child in Rabka, were tested with the Family Relations Test, designed by E.J. Anthony and E. Bene. Two types of intrafamily relationships were observed: positive and ambivalent. I haven't found families with the extremely negative relationships, there wasn't so-called "rejection's phenomenon" as well. However the phenomenon of the parental "overprotection" was noticed in 3 cases. Some of the children have showed peculiar defense mechanisms ("displacement", "idealization", "denial"). The comparison of the family relationships picture in two groups of asthmatic children (7-10 and 11-14 years) shows better emotional attitudes in the younger children's families. In both groups the central place was held by mothers. There were much more weak emotional bonds with fathers. In the group of younger children the father-child relationships were better than in the older one. The emotional attitudes relating to the siblings were positive or ambivalent, depending on children’s age.