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dc.contributor.authorŚmiga, Włodzimierzpl_PL
dc.contributor.authorKonieczny, Krzysztofpl_PL
dc.contributor.authorKuś, Czesławpl_PL
dc.contributor.authorBurzyńska, Mariapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationFerroelectric. 1998, Vol. 216, s. 53-61pl_PL
dc.description.abstractTemperature, frequency and time dependencies of dielectric permittivity and pyroelectric current of $Li_{0.003}Na_{0.997}NbO_3$ ceramics have been presented. Investigation of the pyroeffect reveals the existence of the local dipoles in a temperature range above the temperature of the maximum of the dielectric permittivity, $T_m$. The observed dispersion of the dielectric permittivity for this material and its time dependence, can be connected with the existence of these dipoles. The occurrence of these dipoles can be associated with a large local deformation accompanying the substitution of individual Li- by Na-ions and with imperfections of the polycrystal.en_EN
dc.subject$Li_{0.003}Na_{0.997}NbO_3$ ceramicsen_EN
dc.subjectdielectric propertiesen_EN
dc.subjectlocal dipolesen_EN
dc.titleDielectric properties of $Li_{0.003}Na_{0.997}NbO_3$ ceramicsen_EN

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