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dc.contributor.authorCiecieląg, Jerzypl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 28, Studia Historica 4 (2005), s. [3]-14pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe article is an analysis of the theory presented by Jerry Vardanian, who maintains that Jesus was born in 12 BC, and crucified in AD 21. The American researcher questions numerous records which corroborate the traditional dating, basing his reasoning however, on dubious fundamentals, to say the least. We are often dealing with arguments which are fabricated. The most astounding evidence, which supposedly confirms Vardman’s hypothesis, are the coins issued by Aretas IV, King of Nabateans, and Agrippa I, King of Judaea. The American researcher found some micro-letters on those coins, which are supposed to refer to Jesus. The ones on the coins of Aretas call him even the king, while the ones on the coins of Agrippa talk about the reign of Jesus. Vardaman’s theory is a scientific curiosity which has no substantiation in facts. The American scientist saw too much on said coins, or perhaps he rather saw what he wanted to see. Consequently, his theory is a set of wishful thoughts, and not tangible facts.en_EN
dc.titleMonety Aretasa IV i Agryppy I a chronologia życia Jezusa. Czy Jezus został ukrzyżowany w 21 r. po Chr.?pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeCoins of Aretas IV and Agrippa I and the Chronology of the Life of Jesus. Was Jesus Crucified in AD 21?en_EN

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