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dc.contributor.authorOgonowska, Agnieszkapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 44, Studia Historicolitteraria 7 (2007), s. [45]-59pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe subject of the article is the problem of research and creation of anthropological films and selected literary texts, which may function as evidence of the depicted cultural realities. However, it turns out that they provide more information about their authors than about the presented people, groups, and the circumstances related to them. In the text, one can find references to the tradition of anthropological studies (inter alia, profiles of Bronisław Malinowski, Alfred Reginald Radcliff-Brown), the beginnings of using film for the needs of the conducted anthropological experiments (Sol Worth, John Adrira), as well as the anthropological thought itself (J. Clifford, C. Geertz), and the Polish treatises concerning the subject (P. Sztompka, W. Burszta, M. Buchowski). The object of particular attention is the way of understanding the category of “The Other” in the contemporary cultural reflection (M. Foucault, P. Bourdieu, C Owens, G. Canguilhem). There are also deliberations about selected concepts related to the creation and research of anthropological films (inter alia, the concept of transcultural cinema D. MacDougall, and Jean Rouch), and literary texts (A. Łebkowska, P. Lejeune, M. P. Markowski).en_EN
dc.titleTekst literacki i film antropologiczny jako zapis podróży w przestrzeń Innego? Zarys dylematów badawczychpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeAnthropological Film as a Record of Journey in the Space of the Other. Outline of Research Dilemmasen_EN

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