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dc.contributor.authorKarnat-Napieracz, Annapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 30, Studia Philosophica 2 (2005), s. [90]-98pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe article is an outline of the process of socialization in the context of a certain image of co-existence of the system of culture and the social system. Assuming the interactive nature of the relationship between these two systems, the author tries to show the importance that the category of conscience can attain for the recognition of the socialization processes. Participation of the man in the social world, which is treated in terms of mutual dependencies between the man and the culture (and culture and man), makes it possible to create from individual conscience a peculiar link between the world of created phenomena and the world of social constructs perceived as an objective world of structures and devices. Concentration of the effects of the socialization process in the individual conscience turns it simultaneously into a clash zone of co-existing cultural and social systems, which is apparent at all levels of socialization, beginning from the most elementary, subjective one and finishing with the global one. Subsequently, the article presents the issues of co-existence of the cultural and social systems, the core of the interaction between the two systems and the very notion of conscience as the central issue within the framework of cultural and social systems in which the socialization processes take place.en_EN
dc.titleEksplanacyjna wartość kategorii świadomości w interakcyjnym ujęciu relacji systemu społecznego i systemu kulturowegopl_PL
dc.title.alternativeExplanatory Value of the Category of Conscience in the Interactive Approach towards the Relationship between the Social and Cultural Systemsen_EN

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