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dc.contributor.authorŻychowski, Józefpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1991, Z. 142, Prace Geograficzne 13, s. 189-195pl_PL
dc.description.abstractGreat demand in hydrological researches for quantity description of geographical environment allowed to suggest a new parameter containing spatial distribution of features of environmental elements in examined catchment basins. It was prepared on the basis of a map at a scale 1 : 25 000 presenting environmental features with marked basic units - partial catchment basins of tributaries and riverines. The base for final calculations is a diagram in a square (fig. 1). The sides of the square make cummulative sequences of partial catchment basins and riverines and areas of a feature in basic units marked on co-ordinates in the square. The parameter was called a coefficient of adjustment to even distribution of e.g. light loamy soil (W[D]). It is calculated by measuring surfaces over and below the diagonal (a and b) in the square and of a triangle ABC. Then the calculations follow the formula: W[D] = (ABC – (a+b)) / ABC x 100 The coefficient may be also expanded on an element of a feature of geographical environment of a catchment basin by calculating mean weighed from Values of the coefficient and surfaces covered with particular properties of features of elements of geographical environment. Its use in 10 catchment basins showed that it is an objective coefficient of distribution of features of geographical environment elements. Wider use of the W[D] coefficient should allow for its further verification.en_EN
dc.titlePropozycja ilościowej oceny przestrzennego rozmieszczenia cech elementów środowiska geograficznego w zlewniachpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeA suggestion for quantity evaluation of spatial distribution of features of geographical environment elements in catchment basinsen_EN

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