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dc.contributor.authorJakubczak, Marzennapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 53, Studia Philosophica 4 (2008), s. [158]-174pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe paper undertakes the analysis of the methods of spiritual growth, called the paths of Yoga, presented in Bhagavadgita, a philosophical episode of the greatest Indian epos Mahabhdrata. It starts with a short characteristics of two most popular methodological strategies used to analyse the Sanskrit text, namely diachronic and synchronic. The researchers who accept the first method stress the incoherence of the work caused by its multilayer structure and many historical interpolations being included in the course of the prolonged editorial process. Whereas the supporters of the synchronic strategy strongly point to the arguments in favour of the coherence of the philosophical conception of development discussed in Bhagavadglta. The author of the present paper, who argues for the later method, aims to interpret the question of multiplicity of the yogic paths. In the subsequent points, she explains some specific methods suggested by Krsna, like Samkhya, Yoga, Karmayoga, Jnanayoga, Dhyanayoga and Bhaktiyoga. While doing so she tries to justify the belief about the existence of a complex multistage method of Self-development, which combines all other, seemingly optional and rival, yogic methods that are ultimately subordinated to the highest instance: a cognitive insight (jnana) or spiritual wisdom (sthitaprajna).en_EN
dc.titleJoga w Bhagawadgicie - jedna czy wiele metod wiodących do wyzwolenia?pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeYoga in Bhagavadgita: One or Many Methods Towards the Liberation?en_EN

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