2008, Studia ad Calculum Probabilitatis Eiusque Didacticam Pertinentia 2
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Aplikacja łańcuchów Markowa do gier losowych
(2008)The article deals with generalization a stochastic games described in [6] for case three players. The Perron’s formula and theory of Markov’s chains are used. -
Pewne aspekty rozwiązywania zadań kombinatorycznych
(2008)Analysing a large number of pupils solutions of combinatory tasks it is evident that solving such task is a multifaceted process with some hidden traps. Based on the analysis, some elements of solution combinatory ... -
Graf i digraf jako ikoniczne środki stochastycznych argumentacji
(2008)The work concerns the role of graphs (diagrams) as geometrical tools of mathematization and argumentation in school stochastics. -
Ziarnista przestrzeń probabilistyczna i jej tangram - geometryczne argumentacje w stochastyce
(2008)The work concerns the concept of grain probabilistic space, forms of its geometrical presentations, some of its interpretations on reality ground and the activity of transferring the mathematical contents from one form ... -
Argumentacje w przeliczalnych przestrzeniach probabilistycznych na przykładzie gier Penneya
(2008)This paper presents the results of a test performed on mathematical students concerning various arguments in countable probabilistic spaces. Most arguments ware based on symetry revealed by the stochastic tree, stochastic ... -
Zadania z rachunku prawdopodobieństwa a zasada integracji w nauczaniu matematyki
(2008)Some examples of exercises in probability from the secondary school books axe discussed. In author’s opinion they combine contents from various branches of mathematics in an artificial way. Next part of the paper contains ... -
Wartość oczekiwana zmiennej losowej i jej fizyczna interpretacja
(2008)A physical interpretation of the notion of the expected value of a random variable is considered. Relationships between the center of mass of a solid and the expected value of a random variable are showed. -
Waga zbioru tras prowadzących do węzła brzegowego na grafie stochastycznym złożonym
(2008)In this paper we present a method of calculating the weight factor of all traces leading to a fixed boundary node in a stochastic graph. The results obtained here find application in calculating probabilities of some ... -
O prawdopodobieństwie geometrycznym
(2008)Similarly like classical probability, the origin of the geometric probability is also connected with gambles. Nowadays it solves problems that are common for the real life but also the problems of many scientific branches. ... -
Kurs stochastyki dla nauczycieli
(2008)The paper suggests methods of introducing basic concepts of combinatorics, probability and statistics. There is also a survey of frequent mistakes made by students, and suggestions are made for prevention and remedy.