2018, Studia Historicolitteraria 18
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W kręgu Tadeusza Kudlińskiego: Wiesław Gorecki
(2018)Three one-act plays – The Elevator, The Rebellion and The Freud – written by Wiesław Gorecki are analysed in the paper. These plays were premiered in 1934 by a theatre group Mikroscena, founded by Tadeusz Kudliński. In ... -
O teatrze i kulturze dwa teksty Kudlińskiego
(2018)The first text (Teatralne przewidywania, ”Miesięcznik Literacki” 1942) concerns mainly the theatre, while the second one (O cyrkulacji piękna, „Tygodnik Powszechny” 1945) basically relates to cultural issues. They ... -
„Młodości mej stolica”, czyli Kraków literacki i teatralny we wspomnieniach Tadeusza Kudlińskiego
(2018)In my article I reconstructed the picture of literary and theatrical Cracow in the years 1918– 1939, represented in the memorials Młodości mej stolica. Pamiętnik krakowianina z okresu między wojnami (the extended edition, ... -
Wojenna turystyka Tadeusza Kudlińskiego
(2018)Can a soldier be a tourist? Can we say that touristic experiences are possible during the war from the anthropological point of view? In this article I tried to find the answers to those questions, using Smak Świata by ... -
Militarne reprezentacje w prozie Tadeusza Kudlińskiego
(2018)The view of Europe betweeen 19th and 20th centuries was shaped mainly by militarism. It is confirmed by the works of Michael Howard, Ian F.W. Beckett, Martin van Creveld, and also material culture, which is the heritage ... -
Kudliński i Osterwa. Sprawa Hamleta
(2018)This paper is dedicated to the theatrical novel by Tadeusz Kudliński, Świętokradca (1947), in which a fictional dialogue between the author of the novel and the performance concept of Shakespeare’s Hamlet by Juliusz ... -
Tadeusza Kudlińskiego lektura Biblii, czyli Gniew o Soszannę
(2018)The novel Gniew o Soszannę was wriitten in the period 1947–1962. It came out in 1963. The writer had some difficult war and postwar experiences. First, he was repressed by the Nazis and then by the Stalinist authorities. ... -
„Przemówił dziad do obrazu” – historia pewnej polemiki
(2018)The following paper is a recollection of a series of articles by Tadeusz Kudliński, published in ”Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny” (1936–37). “Teatralne mielizny” were very popular with readers, especially young playwrights, ... -
Portret „teatrała”. Tadeusz Kudliński – krytyk…
(2018)Tadeusz Kudliński remained in the memory of Cracovians, above all, as a theatre critic and the author of books dedicated to this topic, which have been republished many times. Serving the function of an educational ... -
Rok 1918 na teatralnej prowincji. Kielce
(2018)The article describes cultural life in Kielce at the threshold of independence. The local theatre played a prominent role at that time, since it was the only professional scene on which the Regency Council’s manifest was ... -
O Polskiej pieśni niepodległej Jana Lorentowicza
(2018)The paper presents the work of Jan Lorentowicz Polska pieśń niepodległa, published before Poland regained its independence (fragments published in 1915/1916 (no. 1–2), a separate publication of the whole – 1917). This ... -
O dwu pieśniach kryzysu przysięgowego
(2018)The paper is dedicated to two soldiers’ songs from the second half of 1917, written in the atmosphere of rebellion of the Polish Legions against the Central Powers. The turning point in the history of Polish military ... -
„Oto znika jednostka, zatraca się i budzi całość, wielkość i potęga” (O pieśniach polskich Sokołów przed odzyskaniem niepodległości)
(2018)The article is an attempt at analysing ‘Falcon’ hymns dated to the period before 1918. Some research difficulties (lack of research papers, chronological expansiveness, or mass culture affiliation) have been pointed out. ... -
Dwa „łzawe” apele Marii Ilnickiej (Do sióstr moich)
(2018)Maria Ilnicka is directly associated with the Manifesto of 22nd January, 1863. As its (co-) author, she expressed her opionion on emancipation issues both in poetry and ”Bluszcz”, which she edited herself. However, ... -
Poeci i uczeni w wierszach okolicznościowych Wincentego Pola
(2018)The first part of the paper is dedicated to Wincenty Pol’s occasional poems, dedicated to poets and poetry, and on that basis, it is possible to reconstruct the author’s perception of the situation of poets and poetry, ... -
Patent na piosenki. Wincentego Pola śpiew nie tylko z mogiły
(2018)This paper is an attempt at interpreting Wincenty Pol’s poetry, popularised in the form songs. Like most Romantic writers, the author of Pieśń o ziemi naszej regarded music as a unique discipline of asemantic art, i.e. ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 263. Studia Historicolitteraria 18
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2018)