Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Rozwój energetyki jądrowej w Polsce w kontekście jej bezpieczeństwa energetycznego
The purpose of the study is to present the development of nuclear power in Poland and its
impact on energy security of the country. The author presents what Poland has done till now
to introduce nuclear power, what are ...
The Changing Nature of Work and a Need to Prepare Teachers for Involvement in Innovative Work During and After the Pandemic
The article presents a study which main objective was to expand knowledge
on teachers’ experiences, readiness, and conditions for effective reaction to significantly
changed social circumstances and conditions of their ...
Dropout in post-communist countries of Central Europe (the Visegrad Group)
Early school leaving (dropout) is a problem in all education systems. In 2010 the European Commission launched the
Europe 2020 strategy which included a list of measures to reduce the school dropout rates in the EU ...
Practical dimensions of youth policy implementation in Poland on the example of the Europe4Youth Association
This article aims to present the role and importance of youth policy, and how youth organisations can practically
implement it on a local and regional level, on the example of Association Europe4Youth (Kraków, Poland). ...
Pojęcie, przedmiot i zadania geografii medycznej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Polski i Ukrainy
W literaturze naukowej brak jest jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie, kogo należy uważać
za twórcę pojęcia geografii medycznej. W literaturze międzynarodowej termin geografia
zdrowia pojawił się dopiero w latach 80., ...