Now showing items 1-10 of 49
Pan Tadeusz kresowy
Rola spójników w strukturze tekstu mówionego : analiza statystyczna
This 16 fascicle of the Papers of the Linguistics Department of the University of Gdańsk has been devoted to prof. dr hab. Ludwik Wierzbowski on the occasion of his 65-th birthday. At the beginning, therefore, his pupils ...
O języku i stylu Ojca zadżumionych Juliusza Słowackiego
The subject of the analysis is Juliusz Słowacki’s poem Ojciec zadżumionych written after his travel to the Holy Land. The author discusses its phonetic and phonological peculiarities (on the basis of spelling), nominał and ...
Zmiany w szyku niektórych składników we współczesnej polszczyźnie
Basing on the examples taken from colloquial, written and spoken language the author shows that the principles of order in both single and complex sentences are disregarded, which results from conviction that the order in ...