Przeglądaj 2014, Studia de Securitate et Educatione Civili 4 według tytułu
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 166. Studia de Securitate et Educatione Civili 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2014) -
Franciszek Apolinary Rudol
(2014) -
„Gdy ojciec poszedł siedzieć, moje bezpieczeństwo pękło jak bańka mydlana” (studium indywidualnego przypadku)
(2014)The Family should be an asylum of safety for all of its members, primarily for children. However, not all families cater for these significant need. This study intends to reveal, with the use of a case study – the memories ... -
Jan Gomoła
(2014) -
Konflikt zbrojny w ujęciu polemologii
(2014)A terrifying outcome of two world wars was an impulse to reflect on the phenomenon of war. This negative phenomenon became an area of scientific inquiries penetrated by researchers from different fields of expertise. One ... -
Lech Masłowski
(2014) -
Obawy społeczeństwa a bezpieczeństwo elektrowni atomowych
(2014)The safety of nuclear power plants is a very contentious topic. In its content, this article contains some major pros and cons of nuclear energy operating in the world. Drawbacks include mainly negative externalities for ... -
Polska – Ukraina – Rosja: polityka bieżąca i historyczna w latach 2004–2014 (do 25 maja)
(2014)The Author of this paper describes tripartite relations between Poland, Ukraine, and Russia, embedded in the context of current politics and politics of memory from the year 2004 to mid 2014. This period includes changes ... -
Relacje między państwem i obywatelem
(2014)European countries, including Poland, seeking to build civil society, develop the core values of democracy and strengthen social cohesion in the face of ever-increasing challenges of the modern world. In these circumstances, ... -
Siły zbrojne – nowe wyzwania
(2014)In the article, the authors focus on presenting new challenges for the Armed Forces, both in terms of military security, fulfillment of tasks set out by the NATO, but also in crisis situations that may be caused by a ... -
Stan wojenny w Polsce i na Dolnym Śląsku: sądy wojskowe
(2014)The authors discuss the legality of imposing martial law in the light of law provisions being then in force, as well as validity of issued normative acts and legal consequences resulting from them. There is a large number ... -
Stanisław Andrzej Gołębiowski
(2014) -
Służba Bezpieczeństwa wobec krakowskiego oddziału Związku Literatów Polskich w latach 1970–1981
(2014)Polish and Cracovian writers were under surveillance. The Security Service carried out various investigations. The most important one for the fight of the secret police with the writers from Cracow was operation “Świt” ... -
Współpraca wojska z organizacjami Przysposobienia Wojskowego w garnizonie krakowskim
(2014)The article presents the cooperation of the Polish Army with Military Training organizations in the Krakow garrison in the interwar period. Military training organizations led defense training by supporting the society ...