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dc.contributor.authorRaclavská, Janapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 332, Studia Linguistica 16 (2021), s. [166]-172pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe article serves as a contribution to the role of women in Protestant culture. An analysis of five manuscripts by Jan Traugott Bartelmus proves that a woman is gradually gaining a new position in society. Still, the main mission of a woman is motherhood and bringing up children in faith, which is manifested in many word combinations in the form of epithets (faithful mother, gracious, kind, faithful wife, etc.). However, other roles emerge, such as supporting the poor or material help for the church. The analysis also showed that educated Cieszyn women were held in high esteem.en_EN
dc.subjectwoman in protestantismen_EN
dc.subjectmourning speechen_EN
dc.subjectJan Traugott Bartelmusen_EN
dc.subjectCieszyn Silesiaen_EN
dc.titleObraz ženy v protestantských kázáních XVIII. století na Těšínskucz_CZ
dc.title.alternativeThe image of a woman in Protestant sermons from XVIII. century in Cieszyn Silesiaen_EN

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