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dc.contributor.authorPolkowski, Tomasz Krzysztofpl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 109, Studia de Securitate et Educatione Civili 2 (2012), s. [99]-113pl
dc.description.abstractChanges that have taken place after 11th September 2001, the danger related to the international terrorism as well as the conglomeration of international criminal and terrorist groups are the challenges that the government faces in relation to the preparation of the society for potential and unexpected attacks. Familiarization with the mechanisms, conditions and locations of the world conflicts are important tasks of the contemporary education for safety. The article presents deliberations on terminology and examples of particular terrorist attacks. It is an attempt to define and detail the phenomena connected with terrorism in order to enhance the understanding of the problem.en
dc.titleRozpoznanie zagrożeń terroryzmu w świetle edukacji dla bezpieczeństwapl
dc.title.alternativeRecognition of the dangers of terrorism in the light of ‘education for safety’en

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