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dc.contributor.authorSzwast, Andrzejpl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 124, Studia de Arte et Educatione 7 (2012), s. [131]-138pl
dc.description.abstractThe article presents an analysis and interpretation of Adam Mickiewicz’s poem Widzenie (A Vision), in the context of investigating the nature of the reported border-situation experience. The paper consists of three parts. Part one concerns the moment of internal transformation of the speaker of the poem. Part two is an attempt at explaining the nature of the poetic experience, shown in a broad cultural context. It is aimed at answering the question whether Mickiewicz’s poem is evidence of an actual mystical experience. Part three explains the nature of religious experience. It also shows that the hero of the poem is merely “on his way to hell” and his internal adventure is not of mystical character but is just a record of a bordersituation, which in its nature resembles
dc.subjectAdam Mickiewiczpl
dc.titlePodróże na tamtą stronę – Widzenie Adama Mickiewiczapl
dc.title.alternativeJourneys to the other side: Adam Mickiewicz’s Widzenieen

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