„Skąd przyszło, tego nie wiem, i jakie imię nosi”. Tajemnicze dziecko Michaela Endego zagadkową dziewczynką na polskich scenach teatralnych
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Mirecka, Agata
Źródło: Michael Ende - czuły fantasta. Sylwetka i strategia pisarska / redakcja naukowa Angela Bajorek, Małgorzata Chrobak, Dorota Szczęśniak. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2020. - S. 209-[218]
Język: pl
Słowa kluczowe:
Michael EndeMomo
Polish theater scenes
Data: 2020
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Theater and the stage are places that bring literature to young audiences in
a special way. Although Michael Ende and his works for children are not as
well known to children in Poland as to their German-speaking peers, his works
have been and are exhibited on Polish theater stages.
The article aims to present the staging of the novel Momo by Polish
theaters. From the first development of the novel by the Polish Radio Theater
through subsequent staging attempts in the next 30 years, the content of the
article focuses mainly on the reception of the performances by press reviewers.
Most of the reviews were taken from the e-teatr.pl website, which specializes in
presenting and discussing the activities of Polish theaters and the productions
prepared in them in recent decades. Momo’s directors struggled to present the
play to young and small audiences. The article describes the ways of presenting
the novel on stage, the set design, interesting forms of stage presentations, and
the art of acting in selected stagings of Michael Ende’s Momo on Polish stages.