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dc.contributor.authorBednarowska, Aleksandrapl
dc.identifier.citationPrasa w warsztacie badawczym historyka / pod redakcją naukową Kazimierza Karolczaka i Konrada Meusa. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2017. - S. 170-[186]pl
dc.description.abstractWhen Hitler came to power, the situation of German Jewry drastically changed. The anti-Jewish legislation, expulsion from the labor market, and almost day-to-day persecution affected both men and women, but in a slightly different manner. Jewish press addressed some of these issues despite strict censorship and reported about challenges of every day life and difficult choices every Jewish family had to make. The article focuses on the depiction of women’s issues in major Jewish newspapers: CentralVerein Zeitung and Jüdische Rundschau. Discussion of topics such as poor job opportunities, need for career restructuring, domestic work and emigration dominated in the years 1933–1938.en
dc.subjectTrzecia Rzeszapl
dc.subjectŻydzi niemieccypl
dc.subjectkobiety żydowskiepl
dc.subjectżycie codziennepl
dc.subjectprasa żydowska w Niemczechpl
dc.subjectThird Reichen
dc.subjectGerman Jewsen
dc.subjectJewish womenen
dc.subjectevery day lifeen
dc.subjectJewish daily press in Germanyen
dc.titleŚwiat kobiet w świetle prasy żydowskiej w Niemczech w latach 1933–1938pl
dc.title.alternativeThe world of women in Jewish press in 1933-1938 Germanyen

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