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dc.contributor.authorStawiarz, Michałpl
dc.contributor.authorHynek, Wiesławpl
dc.contributor.authorKiełbasa, Marzenapl
dc.contributor.authorCichocka, Mariannapl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 204, Studia Technica 9 (2016), s. [180]-189pl
dc.description.abstractContemporary social transformations, determined to a large extent by the continuing technological development, exert their influence on the educational environments of children. Education, as a challenging process of shaping moral stances and norms, in this day and age forms a complex system of mutually interweaving elements. Within these environments, one should not underestimate the institutional impact of the school as an educational background. To most children, school is the first educational environment where young people come across methodically systematised technology that surrounds them. In this difficult process of shaping the student’s knowledge, one must not underestimate the teacher’s master role, both as the guardian of moral standards and attitudes and as the source of professional knowledge in the field of the taught subjects. Today, despite the initial intuitive assumptions, the unquestionable improvement of the technical and computer resources that schools have been provided with, among others, through the financial support from governmental programmes, does not seem to significantly contribute to the improvement of educational results.en
dc.subjecteducational environmentsen
dc.subjecttechnological developmenten
dc.subjectcomputerization of educationen
dc.titleEdukacja szkolna w zakresie przedmiotów informatycznych wobec technologicznych zagrożeń współczesnościpl
dc.title.alternativeSchool education in the subjects of information against modern technological threatsen

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