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dc.contributor.authorSkoczek, Annapl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 92, Studia Logopaedica 3 (2011), s. [307]-320pl
dc.description.abstractThe issue of argumentation is one of the most difficult in science, for it requires interdisciplinary approach. The great research challenge is an attempt to observe and interpret casual-effective relationships that are related by children, especially those with diagnosed linguistic deficits. In this paper the argumentative ability of children at the age of six who suffer from SLI is presented. Some conducted analyses show how linguistic barriers and difficulties in linguistic and communicational competence acquisition influence the quality of responses. Language is not a tool good enough to show the process of reasoning and does not often allow to interpret the reality. Understanding the essence of problems typical for children suffering from SLI and also reflected in answers to questions beginning with the word “why?” will enable more objective estimation of the children’s intellectual abilities and adjustment of therapy syllabus both to their abilities and needs.en
dc.titleArgumentacja w wypowiedziach dzieci ze specyficznymi zaburzeniami rozwoju językowego – SLIpl
dc.title.alternativeArgumentation in Utterances Produced by Children Suffering from Specific Language Impairments (SLI)en

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