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dc.contributor.authorJagielska, Agnieszkapl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 96, Studia Logopaedica 4 (2011), s. [173]-178pl
dc.description.abstractWriting her master’s thesis about defining terms by children on the basis of a radio show Children Know Better, the author consulted Katarzyna Stoparczyk, the host of the programme, in order to learn about it from the inside. Children Know Better is a radio show broadcast on the Third Programme of the Polish Radio in the morning radio band. The show is very popular with thousands of listeners. Children who take part in the show have an opportunity to express their opinions on political and economic issues, as well as to comment on current events connected with culture and art. Kindergarten children provide extremely funny, but at the same time shrewd answers to the questions asked in the show, revealing the secrets of family life and touching upon everyday life problems.en
dc.titleWywiad z Katarzyną Stoparczyk – prowadzącą audycję radiową Dzieci wiedzą lepiejpl
dc.title.alternativeAn Interview with Katarzyna Stoparczyk—the Host of a Radio Show Dzieci wiedzą lepiej (Children Know Better)en

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