Przeglądaj 2011, Studia Logopaedica 4 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 57
Co wolno, a czego nie wolno ci robić – w wypowiedziach dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(2011)From the point of view of the acting theory, duty statements I may/ I musn’t do it are normative functors of motivation. Because communications among children is a creative process, you can’t interchangeably define and ... -
Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe z czasownikiem modalnym powinien w wypowiedziach dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(2011)The axiological profile of obligation clearly dominates in colloquial realizations of children’s utterances. The registries of volition of teacher’s ‘should’ prevail in the questions addressed by the leading journalist ... -
O słownictwie żeglarskim na Niemnie
(2011)The subject of this paper is the rafting vocabulary used on the Nemunas River, preserved in Zygmunt Gloger’s work Dolinami rzek (Along Rivers’ Valleys, 1872/1903). It contains rich lexical material from the field of ... -
Modalizowanie za pomocą operatora da się w dyskursie przedszkolnym
(2011)The paper presents the structure da się (can be), specific for the colloquial Polish language. The author analyzes examples and meaning of this structure based on selected preschool 5–6-year-old) children utterances which ... -
Nowatorskie formy dziecięcej aktywności komunikacyjnej
(2011)The forms chosen show how the world is evolving. The changes concern male-female relationships, children’s fashion, morality, customs and political issues. Kids demonstrate modern rules of behaviour and new ways of ... -
Nietulisko Fabryczne
(2011) -
Skuteczność terapii osób dorosłych z zaburzeniami płynności mówienia pod postacią jąkania
(2011)The paper presents the results of the experiment conducted in 2008 in the course of the two-weekly treatment period for stuttering adults and adolescent accompanied by their parents/ others. The study covered 22 patients ... -
Aktualizacje tekstowe czasownika fazowego zacząć / zaczynać w potocznych wypowiedziach przedszkolaków
(2011)The place of the colloquial language among the other varieties of the Polish language is determined by (among others) such oppositions as: spoken—written, official—unofficial, trivial—decent (applied), familiar—institutional ... -
System mikrotoponimiczny wsi Nietulisko Duże i Nietulisko Małe w powiecie ostrowieckim na Kielecczyźnie
(2011)The article presents the microtoponymic system of two villages located near Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, shown against the background of their past and present. It includes the field names (53 names) of uninhabited places: ... -
Organiczna niepłynność mówienia
(2011)Based on the author’s own field research, the following article endeavours to elaborate upon the intricacies of organic speech disorder. The investigation involved fifty-two adult Polish native speakers who had been ... -
Metoda synektyczna a twórcza aktywność uczniów
(2011)The synectic method developed in its classic form by William J.J. Gordon and presented in the treatise Synectics. The Development of Creative Capacity (New York 1961) covers the broadly understood theory and methodology ... -
Pojęcie szczęścia w dyskursie potocznym i naukowym
(2011)A common feature of the definition of happiness (both in scientific and everyday image of the world) is that this is 1) short-lived state (mental event), which is a ‘a feeling’, ‘a very good mood’, ‘a kind of feeling ... -
Sytuacja poznawcza we współczesnej stylistyce
(2011)The history of stylistics from Antiquity to the 21st century involves constant creation of new concepts. Progress requires familiarizing oneself with old concepts and using modern achievements of various studies about ... -
Formy trybu rozkazującego w dyskursie szkolnym
(2011)Educational discourse is rich in second-person singulars forms, which is related to the implementation of the pact “I (teacher) speak to YOU (pupil)”. This pact is non-associated and it refers to societal role in situation ... -
Aspekty semantyczne i stylistyczne obcego słownictwa w powieści Na marne Henryka Sienkiewicza
(2011)The plot of the first novel written by Henryk Sienkiewicz is set in Ukraine, mostly in Kiev. The writer presents two social strata: aristocracy and students of Medical Faculty of the Kiev University. The article has an ... -
Czym żywili się mieszkańcy miasta Wojnicza w XVI–XVIII wieku?
(2011)This paper is based on the three-volume Accounts of the town of Wojnicz from 16th–18th centuries. The analysis concentrates on food names which belong to two vocabulary groups: 1. General terms; 2. Specialized terms: ... -
O potrzebie autorytetu (na podstawie wypowiedzi licealistów)
(2011)The author attempts to answer the question: How do high school students use the word authority in spoken and written utterance? She tries to show how they understand this word and what value they attach to it. She answers ... -
Urbanizacja rejonu między Iłżanką, Kamienną i Wisłą do końca XVI stulecia
(2011)Most urban settlements spread over the Iłżanka, the Kamienna and the Vistula Rivers, through the valleys of which ran local roads; some of them got situated at the main transit routes, crossing the middle of the described ...