Przeglądaj 2013, Studia Historica 13 według daty wydania
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 133. Studia Historica 13 (wydanie specjalne). Bunt wójta Alberta Kraków i Opole we wzajemnych związkach w XIV wieku
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2013) -
Miejsce książąt opolskich w polityce Kazimierza Wielkiego względem Śląska
(2013)The article analyzes consecutive diplomatic and military steps undertaken by Casimir the Great towards Silesia. It analyzes the attitude towards the dukes of Opole, who did not occupy any particular place in that policy, ... -
W historiograficznym cieniu? Czternastowieczni Piastowie z linii opolskiej między Krakowem a Pragą
(2013)Piotr of Byczyna wrote in his work Cronica principum poloniae (dated at end of the 14th century) about the impossibility of finding information about Piasts of Opole. The medieval Silesian historiography did not devote ... -
Działalność polityczna Jana Luksemburskiego w okresie buntu krakowskiego wójta Alberta i jego ocena w czeskiej historiografii
(2013)John of Bohemia was using the title of the king of Poland since 1310. However, the events that took place in Poland in the years 1311–1312 did not alter the main direction of his political activity. At that time, his ... -
Pieśń o wójcie krakowskim Albercie – przekaz historyczny w poetyckim sztafażu
(2013)The article provides a critical summary and a verification of the knowledge about the poem De quodam advocato Cracoviensi Alberto, which in Polish papers is usually referred to as Pieśń o wójcie krakowskiem Albercie. ... -
Bunt wójta Alberta w historiografii polskiej
(2013)The aim of the article is to show how the rebellion of Mayor Albert from the years 1311– 1312 has been presented in the Polish historiography over a few centuries. The opposing views regarding the course of the rebellion ... -
Wstęp [w: Studia Historica 13]
(2013) -
Elity czternastowiecznego Opola
(2013)For the purpose of this article, the term “elite” is defined as “a category of people who are of utmost importance in a particular community, influence the authorities and shape social attitudes”. In the case of a ... -
Kraków w polityce księcia Władysława Opolczyka
(2013)Vladislaus of Opole (1326/1330–1401), a representative of the Upper Silesian line of the Piast dynasty, played an important role in the history of a few countries in the central and eastern Europe. He was certainly one ... -
Rycerz dwóch władców – Hinczka z Roszkowic herbu Działosza
(2013)Hinczka of Raszkowice, Działosza Coats of Arms came from the Silesian lesser nobility. His assets were located near Środa Śląska. Probably thanks to the influences of the Duke of Opole Vladislaus, a former lieutenant of ... -
Na pograniczu krakowsko-opolskim. Częstochowa pod rządami Władysława Opolczyka
(2013)The first piece of information about Częstochowa dates back to 1220, that is the time when it was a small village located at the bottom of Jasna Góra on the edge of a settlement called Opole Mstowskie. Although thanks ... -
Małe miasta przy granicy śląsko-małopolskiej w XIV w. Geneza – funkcje – warunki rozwoju
(2013)The article is devoted to the history of small towns incorporated in the 14th century that were located on the borderland of Silesia and Lesser Poland. It analyses four centres located in the so-called central area of ... -
Rozwój struktur organizacyjnych Kościoła w księstwie opolskim w XIV wieku
(2013)The primary framework of the organization of archpresbyterates in the Duchy of Opole was formed at the cusp of the 13th and 14th centuries and was based on the organization whose roots could be traced back to the first ... -
Przybysze z miast księstwa opolskiego w czternastowiecznym Krakowie
(2013)Research on immigrant groups in the urban commune of the 14th-century Krakow indicates that an important role was played by newcomers from towns located by the upper Odra and its tributary. The role consisted not only ... -
Związki dynastyczne książąt opolskich w XIV wieku
(2013)The article is devoted to the dynastic relationships of the dukes of Opole in the 14th century. It focuses on the fact that long-lasting realization of political actions is always accompanied by forming dynastic ...