Labor et Educatio: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 204
Pedagogika osób z otępieniem jako nowy obszar geragogiki specjalnej
(2014)This paper refers to the problem of care, help and support in terms of persons with dementia and points the issue of compassion fatigue and long-term involvement of patient’s family. It presents some suggestions of the ... -
Uzależnienie „ekranowe” jako współczesne zagrożenie dla rodziny
(2014)The technique is based on different principles than the Nature is. It may complement or assist the Nature but it cannot replace it without reducing the richness of the phenomenon of life. Similar restrictions apply to the ... -
Zapomniane (?) inspiracje dla wychowania
(2014)This article is an attempt made to confront educational approaches presented by Plato, Aristotle, and Kant with modern educational system. By referring to the former educational ideas the author wanted to draw attention ... -
Kompetencje studentów wybranych wydziałów Uniwersytetu Karola w zakresie prewencji zespołu dziecka wykorzystywanego seksualnie
(2014)The purpose of study is to identify the readiness of selected future specialists (final year students specialising in the relative area) to prevent Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) syndrome. Empirical part of this thesis covers ... -
Determinanty wsparcia społecznego wśród starszych mieszkańców wsi
(2014)Research over the past decades has demonstrated that the social support impacts significantly on health of individuals and their ability to cope with stress. The purpose of this study was to examine the level and kinds of ... -
Umiejętność zarządzania finansami w kształceniu podstawowym : związki międzynarodowe
(2014)The requirements of the modern world pose new and difficult challenges to a modern man.This man finds himself or herself in the middle of changes in the social, economic and political situation. These circumstances have a ... -
Fraktalność zaufania wśród dydaktyków ogólnych i metodyków edukacji przedmiotowej
(2014)The issue of public trust in research and teaching raises varied interest and is involved in multiple strands of conflict and environmental conditions. As theorists and academic teachers, general educators teaching ... -
Całościowa ocena geriatryczna a kierunki edukacji seniorów
(2014)The article concisely outlines the issues of the relationship between the aging of the organism and educational activities. Populations in the world are aging. Elderly people generally preserve the ability to learn, although ... -
O wychowaniu w świecie nowych mediów – zarys problematyki
(2014)Today’s children, so-called Digital Natives (digital natives), in contrast to their parents and teachers, who are called Digital Immigrants (digital immigrants), live in the world of media. Their childhood is strongly ... -
Między fascynacją a dystansem : społeczny odbiór osób chorych psychicznie a ich wizerunek w kulturze masowej – analiza wybranych przypadków
(2014)The aim of this paper is to juxtapose the image of mentally ill persons in the world cinematography with the perceptions of this social category in the Polish society. Analysis made by the author was based on the selection ... -
Kompensacja sieroctwa społecznego w działalności rodzinnych domów dziecka – wybrane aspekty metodyczne
(2014)The situation in which there are problems with the proper fulfillment of both care-related and parental duties towards the children within a family can be in some cases referred to as social orphanhood, which is a major ...