Odpowiedzialność zawodowa pracownika socjalnego nieocenionym składnikiem jego kultury pracy
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Wołk, Zdzisław
Źródło: Labor et Educatio. 2013, nr 1, s. [61]-73
Język: pl
Słowa kluczowe:
social worker
social work
work culture
Data: 2013
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Working with the human imposes on him (as an employee) specific tasks, regardless of what area of work is conducted. Social Care and Social Work relate to people struggling with various life problems that they are not able to cope with alone. Helping them requires showing a high level of work culture, especially with high responsibility, which must not be limited only to the final results. Responsibility is closely related to an active approach to various aspects of the social worker’s executed role.