Źródłowe badanie dziejów Polski Ludowej: przypadek fabularnej twórczości filmowej
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Maj, Ewa
Źródło: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 132, Studia Politologica 10 (2013), s. [3]-23
Język: pl
Data: 2013
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Feature film is an important historical source on condition that (1) its social, political, and
cultural context is interpreted, (2) features of the epoch are recognized, (3) the dominant
artistic styles are known, and (4) the intentions of the addresser and the level of perception of
the addressee are understood. When classifying a film as a source, the fundamental elements
of research regime should be fulfilled which means that a film can be considered a standard
source with its typical advantages and disadvantages.
Feature film fulfilled the requirements of recording the events, people and places that created
the history of the People’s Poland, taking into account its ideological beginnings. One can
even claim the appearance of cognitive optimism on the assumption that the film became
a source that is not only conclusive (after using proper procedures of formal and educational
criticism) but is also effective as a transmitter of historic content. Its existence inclined to
the reflexion on the methodology of research, encouraged to extending the limits of sources
of discovering the historic processes, strengthened the readiness to nurturing the habit of
controlling what is or can be a historical source.