Przeglądaj 2013, Studia Politologica 10 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-17 z 17
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 132. Studia Politologica 10
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2013) -
Biogram jako kategoria „polityczności” – uwag kilka
(2013)Political science doesn’t have such rich tradition of research made with the use of biographical method as e.g. sociology. Currently this method is being used more and more often by the researchers of social sciences in ... -
Funkcjonowanie opozycyjnych partii politycznych w realiach Polski Ludowej. Wybrane przykłady
(2013)The article discusses the functioning of selected organizations that described themselves as political parties in the Polish People’s Republic. In the introduction, it sketches the picture of “closing” the political ... -
Kombatanci w systemie politycznym PRL 1944–1972: na przykładzie województwa śląskiego i Lubelszczyzny
(2013)In 1948, Polish Socialist Party and the Polish Worker’s Party were merged and created the Polish United Workers Party. The event led to a gradual centralization of the social and political life which resulted in the ... -
Meandry ruchu kobiecego w czasach PRL
(2013)Women’s activity in the analyzed period in Poland had many weak points, however, in needs to be stated that they stemmed more form the political reality typical for the authoritarian system in which the illusion of ... -
Obraz małżeństwa z kobiecej perspektywy w okresie małej stabilizacji 1956–1970
(2013)The aim of the article is to show, on the basis of the analysed diaries, the moral transformations that took place in the family model in the time of so-called „small stabilisation” (1956–1970). The research focused on ... -
Partia zjednoczona czy podzielona? Różne nurty PZPR w ostatniej dekadzie PRL
(2013)The article describes the fractions and trends that functioned in the Polish United Workers’ Party in the 1980s. Creation of Independent Self-governing Trade Union “Solidarity” in 1980 and the political crisis connected ... -
Paternalizm i klientelizm w Polsce Ludowej. Na przykładzie dystrybucji samochodów
(2013)The article is based on applications for the allocation of bones for cars that were sent in the years 1977–1980 to the President of the Council of Ministers, Janusz Wieczorek. The author of the article analyses the ... -
Polskie służby specjalne w latach 1983–1996. Wybrane aspekty
(2013)Secret services are the field of interest of various circles whose evaluation is not always objective. Familiarizing with the direction of the activities, the tasks realized by the services, the structures or operative ... -
Postawy prosystemowe i antysystemowe w PRL w latach siedemdziesiątych
(2013)The article is an attempt of defining the pro- and anti-system attitudes in the Polish People’s Republic in the years 1970–1980, i.e. in the period of transition from the phase of the relatively balanced totalitarianism ... -
Postawy robotników wobec polityki społeczno-gospodarczej w Polsce (1945–1956)
(2013)In accordance with the line of the communist party, wage workers constituted the ruling class in the years 1945-1989 in Poland. However, despite the public declarations, the social character of the Polish People’s Republic ... -
Rozliczenie z PRL-em jako przesłanka budowy wspólnoty ekskluzywnej w perspektywie komunitarystycznej (w koncepcjach Prawa i Sprawiedliwości)
(2013)The postulate of settling accounts with the Polish People’s Republic was supposed to serve the Law and Justice Party mainly as a building material for developing the exclusive community. The basic categories of such ... -
Samorządność wiejska i próby jej modernizacji w czasach pierwszej „Solidarności”
(2013)By the end of 1970s the villages’ self-governing system was very complicated. Its structure was made of several organizational forms which played different roles. Those institutions were divided into three main groups: ... -
Weryfikacja adwokatów śląskich po II wojnie światowej
(2013)Verification of the national attitudes presented during World War II by the Upper Silesian lawyers was based on the decree from the 24th of May 1945 about the temporary regulations that supplemented the law of the legal ... -
Źródłowe badanie dziejów Polski Ludowej: przypadek fabularnej twórczości filmowej
(2013)Feature film is an important historical source on condition that (1) its social, political, and cultural context is interpreted, (2) features of the epoch are recognized, (3) the dominant artistic styles are known, and ... -
Żony, matki, pracownice. Role społeczne kobiet w Polsce Ludowej w interpretacji tygodnika „Przyjaciółka” (1948–1953)
(2013)The weekly magazine Przyjacoiółka, the most popular magazine for women in the People’s Poland (and then in the Polish People’s Republic), like the whole press that was published at the end of the 1940s and the beginning ... -
Военное положение в Польше (1981 г.) и революционные преобразования в странах Центральной и Юго-Восточной Европы
(2013)The article analyzes the political situation in Poland in the late 1970s and 80s. The author seeks to identify the reasons behind the imposition of martial law in the country in December of 1981, the event which over ...